About company
Company "N-Line" - since 2004 provides Internet access services.
N-Line - participant of UA-IX, DTEL-IX, Giganet-IX, 1-IX, Kremen-IX - Kyiv, Ukraine
We use only the best european exchange points, such as
DE-CIX, NL-IX - Frankfurt, Germany;
AMS-IX - Amsterdam, Netherlands;
LU-CIX - Bettemburg (Luxemburg),
PL-IX - Warszaw, Poland;
B | IX, B-IX - Sofia, Bulgaria;
Espan-IX, Madrid, Spain
also we are connected to a Tier-1 international operators:
Level3 (Lumen, Centurylink)
NTT (Global IP Network)
Telia (twelve99, arelion)
We maintain an open peer-to-peer policy, constantly monitor traffic transmission routes to other networks, and constantly optimize these routes both in terms of speed and response time of another network.
We actively implement, support and make available progressive development of Internet technologies for successful business and home users.
The strength of our company - in the staff and technical base.
Our team constantly improves the quality of services, and promptly solves any issues 24 hours a day.
NLine LLC has an operators license from NKRSI, which is prolongued for another 5 years since 13 may 2022
We are developing with the speed of the Internet and we are proud of our specialists, technology and reputation.